My Favourite Google Handwriting Fonts (2022) 27 April 2022 minute reading User experience is a bit about presenting content to the user with a more natural feeling. Depending on the type of project or where it is used, it may be better to use “cursive” fonts. Unfortunately, there are still not as many handwritten fonts that support Turkish characters as we would like. In this article, […]
3 Ways to Hide an Element (HTML / CSS) 24 April 2022 minute reading Hiding an element in web pages is sometimes necessary or we use this for an instant (or temporary) fix. Lets examine the most common types of element hiding in web pages. Our first two are going be CSS attributes: display: none and visibility: hidden Even though most of us already use these, let’s sum up […]
Increase Your Page Loading Speed: Asynchronous and Lazy Loading 10 April 2022 minutes reading Even though there are opposing views, the majority will agree that; ‘good user experience starts with fast service’. Web browsers (Chrome, Firefox, Opera…) load visual and text content simultaneously. This gives a nice view when opening the page. Such as: <h2>A Nice Header</h2> <img src=”a-large-image” alt=”Image info” /> <p>Texts that present the information the user […]
WordPress Pro Tip: Open The Single Search Result Automatically 8 April 2022 minute reading From the perspective of User Experience Design (or UXD in short) we have to put ourselves in the user’s shoes. While doing that, as a designer, I clear my mind from the experience and thoughts I had while creating the product to be have first hand users mind set. When I did so, I found […]
Turn Your Browser Into Notepad 7 April 2022 minute reading No more worrying about searching for a post-it, paper, opening a program or application from your computer in an emergency. data:text/html, <html contenteditable> Paste the above code into your browser’s address line, press ENTER, then drag and drop it to your shortcut bar. Click this shortcut as needed. You can now use the newly opened […]
WordPress Tip: Limiting the Search to a Single Category 25 March 2022 minutes reading If you are using more than one Category in your posts of your WordPress-based project, and you want your search feature to work for only one of them, this method is for you. First of all, it is useful to remind you: For simple operations you can do without using a plugin, please do not […]
Phone number usage on mobile web pages 31 October 2017 minute reading I love usability, don’t you? Even the smallest touch to the user experience will worth more then the effort to users. On the web pages I have to user phone numbers, I always add the dial code to my HTML. With that, you can make your visitors to one-click on the phone numbers to dial or skype call easily.